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- 11:46 am - May 14th, 2020
It’s looking like things are finally starting to warm up in Hampton Roads, Virginia! But before you go ahead and turn off your heating system and put it out of your mind for the next few months, be sure to schedule your final tank fill - it could save you from costly property damage and heating system repairs!
Why is a full tank so important?
With a full tank of Ultra Heating Oil, there is less space for water accumulation that develops as a result of condensation on the inside of the tank. While it’s not always possible to keep water out of a storage tank completely, preventing too much water from accumulating goes a long way in protecting your tank and your equipment.
Why is water in the tank a bad thing?
If too much water accumulates in the tank, it…
Promotes the growth of sediments and bacteria that can block fuel lines and damage heating equipment
Expedites interior tank corrosion
Takes up room in the tank - so you fit less fuel
In other words, it’s something every homeowner should avoid and doing so is easy! At E.T. Lawson we offer automatic delivery of our premium Ultra Heating Oil. As an automatic delivery customer, your tank stays full … guaranteed!
And, while on the topic of your oil storage tank, consider enlisting us to help with all of your tank protection needs. From tank cleaning to repair or replacement, we do it all! Is your tank ready for the spring and summer? If not, contact us online to make sure it is.
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.