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- 8:53 am - November 4th, 2022
Every year, thousands of homes and businesses in the United States experience a power outage. With winter approaching and likely some severe snowstorms, it is essential that your home and family are prepared to handle a power failure. E.T. Lawson provides and installs state-of-the-art generators from Honeywell that are sure to keep your home up and running in the event of an emergency.
Automatic standby generators protect your home and family by keeping heating, cooling, and electrical systems up and running within as little as two seconds of a power outage. Here are some of the reasons you should consider investing in a generator.
The Benefits of Owning a Standby Generator
Automatic Standby Honeywell Generator Specifications
Keep your family and home protected from the next blackout situation by investing in a generator today. E.T. Lawson is here to ensure your year-round comfort, regardless of the weather. Contact E.T. Lawson today if you have any questions about our standby generators or any of our other home comfort products and services.
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.