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- 11:02 am - April 20th, 2018
A garbage disposal in any kitchen is a blessing… that is, until it becomes clogged and stops working properly. Even if you’re careful about what you put down your garbage disposal, clogs can happen. Generally, clogs are caused by dropping a foreign object, such as utensils, into the disposal; feeding garbage into the disposal too rapidly; or failing to run enough water while the garbage is being processed. You should also know the limitations of your disposal by checking the owner’s manual.
If you do find yourself face to face with a clogged garbage disposal, try out these steps:
If you find that these steps haven’t helped, you can try rocking the blades of the garbage disposal back and forth to free them up using a long wooden dowel, wooden spoon or broom handle. If nothing seems to work, its time to call in the professionals! E.T. Lawson’s plumbers have years of experience handling clogged disposals, running toilets and other common plumbing problems. Contact us today for all your plumbing needs!
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