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E.T. Lawson Delivers Peace of Mind With Heating Oil

- 9:55 am - December 16th, 2020

There are many factors that go into choosing your home comfort fuel source. And when you consider that this decision affects your family and your home, perhaps nothing means more than safety and reliability. Safety … reliability … fuel … you’ve just described Heating Oil!

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, about 6 million households in the United States use heating oil as their main heating fuel. But did you ever stop to think about why that is? Here are just a few reasons:

  • It’s SAFE:  Nothing beats the safety record of heating oil. It’s non-explosive and non-flammable in its liquid state, and is non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. That's why you can store heating oil on your property without risk or regulation.

  • Minimal Carbon Monoxide Danger: There are clear warnings if an oil system malfunctions. With home heating oil systems, carbon monoxide leaks rarely happen without warning. When an oil burner malfunctions, it usually creates smoke, which serves as a warning signal. However, regardless of how rare a CO leak is, a carbon monoxide detector is a good idea in every home.

  • It’s Clean: Today's heating oil burns 95 percent cleaner than it did in 1970, and the ultra-low sulfur heating oil (ULSHO) we deliver – which we refer to as Ultra Heating Oil - further reduces heating oil’s already near-zero emissions. In fact, residential heating oil equipment creates such a small amount of emissions that it’s not even regulated by the Federal Clean Air Act.

  • YOUR Fuel, YOUR Property: An oil storage tank means you can store your fuel on your property, without relying on a utility.And whether your oil storage tank is sitting in your yard or hidden in your basement, today’s tanks are composed of state-of-the-art steel and fiberglass, many featuring double walls for added safety, and should last for decades.

All that’s before we even get to our worry-free automatic oil delivery service, convenient payment protection options that make heating oil even more beneficial to homeowners. For your home, your family, and your peace of mind, heating oil is the clear choice. Contact us today for worry-free home comfort!

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