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- 4:13 pm - May 25th, 2018
You put a lot of thought and money into your home’s appearance – picking the color, window accents, siding and much more. You work hard to maintain your landscaping so that your home also reflects your personality. Then, the sun sets and those meticulous details you spent weeks perfecting are hidden away. Let E.T. Lawson light up your home with our electrical services, just in time for the warm weather so you can show off your style during pool parties and barbecues.
Imagine accenting your shrubs, plants and trees using outdoor lighting installed by E.T. Lawson to get the perfect layout and light fixtures for your landscaping needs. Lights installed under trees shining upwards create a flawlessly lit scene without any glare endangering passing cars or annoying your neighbors. Spotlights aimed at shrubs cast attention-grabbing silhouettes on the sides of your home or illuminate any fountains, statues and other lawn decorations.
Motion lighting and spotlights make the backyard perfect for entertaining family and friends after day or spending some quality time by the pool. Keeping walkways and patio stairs well lit with accent lights will keep your guests safe as well. Outdoor lighting is also important at entrances and gates that you want to keep well lit in order to make your home and property feel more secure.
To get the most of our your outdoor lights, LEDs can be used in place of standard bulbs. Incandescent bulbs, floodlights and halogen bulbs produce a lot of heat and use more energy. These lights also have to be replaced quite often, which can turn maintaining outdoor lighting a time consuming task. LEDs last longer and are generally brighter to it takes fewer fixtures to light up an area. Ready to light up your home’s curb appeal? Contact E.T. Lawson today to get started!
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.