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- 11:30 am - October 9th, 2020
With the sun beginning to set earlier in the day, many Hampton Roads homeowners might find themselves coming home in the dark! That doesn’t have to be the case, however, with E.T. Lawson’s professional electricians and some brand new outdoor lighting!
Outdoor lighting brings some much-needed brightness to a home as it…
In addition to outdoor lighting, you might have other concerns about your electrical system while heading into the heating season – ask us about…
Smoke & CO Detectors
With heating equipment being used more frequently, things like house fires and carbon monoxide leaks tend to be more common. With the appropriate equipment – such as smoke and CO detectors – installed at each level of the home, injuries can be prevented.
Surge Protectors
Spending more time at home means using more electricity, and a bunch of appliances powering up at once can cause power surges that can damage the electronic equipment being used throughout the home for work or learning purposes. A surge protector is a great way to avoid costly damage and the inconvenience of being without necessary equipment.
Panel Upgrades
The more appliances and electronics in the home the more power you’ll need. If your electrical panel is at maximum capacity and you need to add new circuits for home extensions or just for convenience, an upgrade is the right way to go in order to avoid unbalancing the load and causing issues down the line.
At E.T. Lawson we have all of your home comfort needs in mind! That’s how we can be prepared for just about anything. Contact us online today to learn more about our electrical services and how we can help you achieve optimal comfort this heating season and beyond.
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.