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- 3:46 pm - January 25th, 2022
It shouldn’t surprise you if your energy costs increase during the winter – after all, you’re using more energy to keep yourself and your family comfortable! However, there could be some habits you and your family have picked up that are causing you to spend more on those energy bills than you really have to.
If you’ve picked up any of these habits, consider how they might be impacting how much you’re paying for your energy cost:
Heating an Empty Home
It can be really easy to forget to turn off the heat when you’re running out the door in the morning, and while it may be nice to come home to a warm house how much more are you spending to run the equipment throughout the day? Consider investing in a programmable thermostat and set a schedule for when you’re awake and home to save energy.
Forgetting to Schedule Maintenance
We’ve all said it before: “I’ll remember to take care of it next year!” Truth is, even a year of missed maintenance can take a toll on your comfort levels in the next year – and it can negatively impact the efficiency of the system, costing you more on fuel in the long run.
Brushing off Air Leaks
You may be able to tolerate a draft here or there, but you might not realize that those drafts end up forcing the heating equipment to work harder, use more fuel and as a result cost you more to heat your home.
Not Switching the Direction of Ceiling Fans
Did you know that in the winter, ceiling fans are more effective when rotating clockwise? This allows the fan to create an updraft and circulate warm air around the room. Be sure to switch from counterclockwise after the summer ends so you don’t forget and end up cranking the heat to make up for the lost comfort!
If any of these habits sound familiar, it’s never too late to try and break them! Find out more about what you can do to improve your comfort this winter while potentially lowering your energy costs when you call or contact E.T. Lawson.
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.