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Automatic Deliveries from E.T. Lawson

- 12:24 pm - November 30th, 2018

As an E.T. Lawson customer, you already know about the benefits that come with our exclusive Ultra Heating Oil – and if you don’t, check them out by clicking here! And as a homeowner, you know how busy the holiday season can be, especially since it happens to come around the heating season … a time when your attention is never focused on one task!

While prepping meals and wrapping gifts, keeping track of your fuel levels might become less of a priority. Let E.T. Lawson’s Automatic Delivery service help!You can remain focused on your holiday tasks while we shoulder the burden of tracking your fuel and scheduling deliveries.

With Automatic Delivery You’ll Enjoy:

  • The convenience of not having to schedule regular deliveries – or having to order emergency fuel deliveries that can end up costing you extra in the end.
  • Consistency is a big part of Automatic Delivery. You’ll have a regularly filled oil storage tank, as deliveries occur on a consistent basis – unless impending weather conditions cause deliveries to increase to accommodate your needs.
  • Perhaps the most important thing you get with Automatic Delivery is peace of mind knowing that you’ll always have a full tank of fuel. In fact, we guarantee you’ll never run out of fuel! And, if we ever let you run out of fuel, we’ll start your burner at NO CHARGE and give you a FREE $25 gift certificate for dinner

The benefits of working with E.T. Lawson are plentiful! Our fuel is a premium blend, our services are top notch, and our policies are customer focused. If you have any questions, or would like to enroll for Automatic Delivery, please contact us online today!

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