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- 10:43 am - April 11th, 2023
Summer may not be here yet, but it will be here before you know it! Is your home cooling system ready to do its job? Enjoy the warmer weather carefree this spring season, knowing your home comfort system is ready for the summer heat with an annual tune-up from E.T. Lawson!
Just like you keep your health in check with annual visits to the doctor, your air conditioner requires the same treatment. During tune-ups, our technicians make sure everything is in working order and repair or replace any potential issues before they cost you time, money and stress during mid-season peak temperatures.
Receive maximum energy efficiency from your A/C unit and guarantee an extended system lifespan when you keep up with annual tune-ups.
Don’t sweat over your home losing A/C! Trust E.T. Lawson for superior service to give you the peace of mind you deserve, and schedule your annual tune-up.
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.