Contact E.T. Lawson

Fill out this quick contact form to get in touch with E.T. Lawson. Need something more specific? Get in touch with us on our general contact form here.

NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!


Proud to be Essential to Your Comfort

- 9:30 am - April 2nd, 2020

The spread of COVID-19 has put many things into perspective, including what we can and cannot do without in our Hampton Roads homes! As non-essential businesses remained closed, essential businesses - such as E.T. Lawson - stayed open and continued to do their part in keeping customers as comfortable as possible.

The Essentials We Bring to the Table

While not every product or service we provide can be considered essential (after all, who needs to spend money on an AC upgrade during a time of crisis?), customers are able to call on us for…

Emergency Service

No one should be unable to rely on their heating or cooling equipment, especially during long periods of being stuck indoors. Can’t get your equipment running? Call us and we’ll be there to help as soon as possible.

Automatic Delivery

Our Ultra Heating Oil is important for keeping our customers’ homes warm and so keeping a full tank is a necessity. With our automatic delivery service customers can rely on a steady supply of fuel, even in times of uncertainty!

Plumbing & Electrical Repairs

Similar to heating and cooling equipment maintenance, keeping a home’s plumbing and electrical systems working is imperative to making it through tough times comfortably. You’ll never go without running water or electricity as an E.T. Lawson customer!

No matter what tomorrow holds for our area, we’ve got the essentials covered. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us online and take advantage of our essential services. Continue to stay safe!

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