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- 12:26 pm - February 9th, 2018
Molly returned home from vacation only to be greeted with a frightening scene: her basement had flooded, icicles had formed on her windows, and her furniture was damaged! That’s because, while she was gone, her heat went out and her pipes froze, causing them to burst.
Chances are, Molly’s nightmare won’t become your reality, but even a run-of-the-mill burst pipe can cost thousands of dollars, if not more, to clean up and fix. The good news is, E.T. Lawson can help you protect your pipes from freezing and bursting with these simple tips:
Molly may not have been so lucky, but you can rest assured that if your pipes freeze, E.T. Lawson can fix the problem. Just call us and we’ll send over an experienced, licensed plumber. Take a look at our plumbing page for a complete list of services.
Contact us at the following locations:
Peninsula: 757-722-1928
Williamsburg: 757-229-2877
Gloucester: 804-642-2161
Norfolk: 757-491-1928
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.