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- 10:18 am - January 15th, 2019
There’s no denying that winter is here – and while it has been a bit more subtle than last January’s storm, the bitter cold speaks for itself!
The most important thing you need during the heating season is a place to go to escape from low temperatures and snowy weather, and that place is your home! Sometimes, however, your home can be a bit too drafty, allowing cold air in and your heated air out. We have the solution! At E.T. Lawson, our weatherization services cover all possible aspects of your home’s outer and inner shell, keeping the warmth in and the cold out.
Looking to weatherize your home this winter? We have the tools you need:
As much as 30% of air flowing throughout your home can be lost through cracks and gaps in your home ductwork. The biggest problem is there’s no way to know about it unless you inspect your ducts closely! With Aeroseal, your ducts won’t leak – saving you from paying for lost energy.
Nearly 20% of heating energy that you spend your hard-earned energy dollars on can be wasted due to excess heat transfer between your home’s living space and a poorly insulated attic. Simply utilizing AttiCat Attic Insulation in your home can make a world of difference when trying to feel comfortable in your home!
Stop wasting energy! Call E.T. Lawson today!
Utilizing our weatherization services is a surefire way for you to save 50% of your heating costs from being lost! If it’s too cold in your home, you could just bundle up… or, you could call or contact E.T. Lawson today and learn more about weatherizing your home for the winter!
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.