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- 9:05 am - April 13th, 2018
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the spring? Putting all that snow behind you? Finally getting the family together for a barbeque? It’s likely that it has nothing to do with your heating system… and we don’t blame you!
But, at E.T. Lawson we never stop thinking about your heating equipment. One of the main things we do to protect it is make sure our automatic delivery customers have a full storage tank before summer. Why?
Oil storage tanks sit idle for quite a while, and if there is any space in the tank, it can cause significant water accumulation. Water inside the tank can lead to sediment buildup, which can cause damage to the heating system and corrode the tank.
As an automatic delivery customer, you don’t have to worry about any of that. With a full tank, there will be less room for water to accumulate and you’ll have fuel for next winter. That’s why, if you haven’t already, you should enroll in our automatic delivery service. This service allows us to take the reigns and tend to your fuel needs, including your final spring fill up! Contact E.T. Lawson today to enroll in automatic delivery.
Click here to learn more about E.T. Lawson’s Ultra Heating Oil and delivery services.
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.