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Buderus Blue Boilers & Water Heaters

Buderus Blue Boilers & Water Heaters


First in efficiency and performance 

700rebate.pngVirginia has never been happier to have the blues!

With an AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) of 90%+, the Buderus “Blue” G125BE has a higher efficiency rating than any other non-condensing boileravailable today. The GB125BE condensing boiler goes even further, with a low-NOx burner that’s built to run as cleanly and efficiently 20 years from now as it does today.

How sure are we that these Buderus Blues will reduce your energy expenses? Sure enough to put a money-back guarantee on it: if your new Buderus boiler doesn’t reduce your fuel costs by at least 20%, we’ll refund your purchases. And if a money-back guarantee isn’t enough to convince you to get the Blues, keep in mind we also include these free add-ons with each new Buderus boiler.

  • FREE Buderus LT160 Indirect-Fired Water Heater Tank ($1,895 value)
    Designed to work with G125BE or GB125BE for a consistent, complete hot water package
  • FREE Five-Year Service Agreement ($1,499.95 value)
    Includes annual preventive maintenance, priority emergency service and free parts replacements
  • FREE Three-Year Protection Plan ($624 value)
    We guarantee your per-gallon Ultra Heating Oil price will be 40 cents below the normal residential price for three full years 

Plus, you can also receive $500 for the installation of a new oil-fired boiler through the Upgrade & Save Virginia Rebate Program.

As any great blues singer knows all too well, it’s a cold world out there. However, with the Buderus Blues installed and serviced by E.T. Lawson, you can get shelter from the storm, in the form of year-round comfort, savings and peace of mind. And that’s what the best Blues are all about!

To bring home the best of the Blues, contact us for a free quote on a Buderus Blue Boiler.