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- 12:45 pm - January 23rd, 2020
It’s not surprising that, in the 21st century, electronics have managed to make their way into just about every aspect of our lives. What might surprise you, however, is that these integrations have created a new problem that Hampton Roads homeowners must now face: power surges!
Just about anything in your home, from HVAC equipment and home appliances to entertainment systems and computers, utilizes sensitive electronics that are susceptible to power surges. If a surge does happen to occur, there’s a good chance all of this equipment could be damaged beyond repair.
What causes a power surge?
These situations aren’t uncommon in households, and that’s why it’s important to protect your home’s expensive electronics from power surges with whole-home surge protection! We can provide that to you at a reasonable cost – especially when you consider the investments you’ve already made on your electronic equipment.
Give us a call today or contact us online to learn more, or to get started on protecting your home from power surges!
We have more than 16 heating and cooling service agreements that cover virtually every kind of heating or cooling system and every type of fuel.