Upgrade Your Home Heating System

- 10:29 am - October 16th, 2020

It’s as evident in phones, computers and televisions as it is in microwaves and refrigerators: Technology is always improving! The same thing goes for home heating equipment as well. Furnaces and boilers have come a long way, and Hampton Roads homeowners who are still relying on ten-year-old systems should consider an upgrade to give their overall comfort a boost.

Here are a few benefits to upgrading your home heating system with E.T. Lawson!

Efficiency Boost

The efficiency of a furnace or boiler represents its ability to use fuel effectively. The more efficient it is, the more fuel is used to produce usable heat. Lower efficiency means you’re wasting fuel to stay warm! As equipment ages, its efficiency degrades and you might begin to notice it’s costing you more money than usual to heat your home.

Fewer Repairs

How frequently are you calling for heating system repairs? The costs of service calls can really pile up! If you’re spending what’s equivalent to a new heating system in repair costs, it might be worth considering swapping your old equipment for modern equipment. Since there’s no existing wear and tear on new systems, your repair costs will be low if non-existent!

Better Air Quality

Newer systems utilize variable speed motors that allow air to flow through the system constantly, which means the air gets filtered throughout the day – this leaves the air homeowners breathe cleaner and healthier!

Overall, with a new heating system installed in your home you’ll save on heating and repair costs and protect your family’s health while enjoying a higher level of comfort. Call or contact E.T. Lawson today to get started on your new heating system upgrade.

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NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!