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Summer Isn’t the Time to Forget About Your Heating Oil Tank!

- 10:00 am - July 11th, 2024

We know what you’re thinking, its summer, it’s air conditioning season, but the truth is, it’s never too early to start preparing for the next heating season! An often-overlooked task during the warmer months is taking care of your heating oil tank. Just because you might be using less heating oil during the winter, doesn’t mean it’s time to forget about the health of your tank!


Here are some key tips to ensure your tank is in tip-top shape during the off-season:


  • Conduct a Visual Inspection: Head down to your basement or go outside to take a look at your heating oil tank. Check the tank’s legs for damage, and look for warps, dents, rust, weeping (condensation outside the tank) or wet spots on the tank.


  • Get a Professional Inspection: While performing an inspection yourself is a great way to notice obvious damage, you cannot see damage inside your tank. E.T. Lawson’s technicians can perform an inspection and look at your fuel lines, test your oil, and check for internal corrosion to help you determine if you need a replacement.


  • Fill It Up: A partially-filled or empty tank is susceptible to moisture buildup, which can lead to a big problem when fall comes back around. It’s important to keep your tank full during the warmer months, so schedule a heating oil delivery today!


The best way to protect the health of your tank and heating equipment is to enroll in the E.T. Lawson oil tank protection plan. In addition to FREE repairs, replacement, and painting, you also receive pollution coverage!


Pollution Coverages:


  • Virginia: In the event of an aboveground or underground tank release, E.T. Lawson, in conjunction with the VA State Fund, will provide pollution coverage up to $1,000,000 for FREE.


  • North Carolina: Underground oil tanks are covered up to $1,000,000 for pollution coverage for FREE.


Fill out an online contact form to request more information about our heating oil tank protection plan!

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